This is not a recommendation, it’s what I do. 44/40 I use a Remington JFP 200gr. with 14grs of 2400, corn meal filler=1130fps plus or minus 30fps. Or 200gr cast not sized from original Winchester mold with 14grs of 2400, corn meal filler=1250fps plus or minus 50fps. These loads have shot accurately in over 20 different antique 73s with barrel length 20″ to 30″. Ruff bores like the jacketed bullet. This is old school powders and methods, I’m sure someone else will have something easier but it’s worked for me 32 years.
I have used a similar load in 38/40 with a cast not sized and 12.75grs of 2400 with corn meal at 1270fps but the new Winchester X3840 was better. Now with ammo prices reloading would probably be in order. I do not have the experience in 38/40 as many others on the Forum do. T/R
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