I have the Roger Rule book. Always learning! Please clarify if anyone has registry info that accounts for the 300 Win Mag rifles being produced in Oct 1962 or on 10/62 receivers??? I recently purchased one serial 560266 and recently saw one on GB about 100 serial numbers away. Multiple references say that the 300 Win Mag was only produced in 1963.
Thanks for your clarification.
November 5, 2014
Hi Steve-
No one has a “registry” because those records (sadly) do not exist… However, looking at our survey data (NOT factory records), the 300 WIN MAGNUM Westerner-Alaskans start showing up on receivers in the 498,000 to 500,000 rage and become a big part of production in the 536,000 range and onwards. So 560,000 is right in the wheelhouse of when they were making them….
Keep in mind that they were only CATALOGUED in 1963 (that info is correct). But if you (Winchester) were going to introduce a new 30 caliber short magnum in the ’63 catalog, wouldn’t you want inventory on-hand to fill orders? They built a lot of them on 1962 short magnum receivers…
“The World” (in the early 1960’s) was waiting for the 300 WIN MAGNUM M70, but instead of commercializing the 30-338 MAGNUM chambering (commercialized by Norma as the 308 Norma Magnum), Winchester didn’t decide to just neck down the 458 WIN MAGNUM case like they did to create the 338 WIN MAGNUM and 264 WIN MAGNUM, and they didn’t bring their product to market until the 1963 catalog.
Hope this helps,
WACA 9519; Studying Pre-64 Model 70 Winchesters
November 5, 2014
Hi Steve-
YES… The survey is ongoing with at least partial information (serial number/style/chambering) on over 18,000 pre64 M70s. My goal is to get at least 24,000 (4% of total) before analyzing production patterns.
Any help is appreciated!!!
WACA 9519; Studying Pre-64 Model 70 Winchesters
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