I am a new member to this group and have been reading relevant posts to help in a purchase (Model 70 pre 64 257 Roberts).
I plan to use this rifle, so collector’s value in not of the greatest importance to me. I do want a good functional and aesthetically appealing gun.
I have been searching on the gun sale sites (gun broker, guns international, auction sites etc…).
Is it appropriate to ask for opinions of a listed gun?
Donny Sanders
From the pictures I can’t tell if the rear site is a Marbles 69. Which would be correct for the rifle. Also the front site, or hood is hard to say if it is original or not from the distance of the picture taken. The Monte Carlo stock was available when the rifle was made. The bedding looks like it may of been glassed bedded at one time, and since was cleaned. With out these concerns the rifle looks OK. For me, I feel that it is priced a bit high.
November 5, 2014

Hi Donny-
I couldn’t find a link to the rifle in question in your original post. I’m assuming it’s this one?
Guns International #: 102966574
If so Bo Rich is right on… The MC comb was available on M70 Standard rifles from early in 1952. Sights should be a Marbles 69 folding rear and silver (tinned) bead Win 103E (0.360″ tall) front sight. This one does have the Marbles folding rear and I cannot make out the front sight. The inletting looks OK to me, but would bear checking. These rifle barrels were not “free floated” so you should not be able to slide a piece of paper between barrel and stock.
I may be out of date, but $3500 seems high to me for a Roberts Standard. Maybe in the $2800 range IMHO…
Here’s what it “should” look like. This is an early MC comb 257 ROBERTS Standard rifle in my collection, S/N 216122 (1952). Note the Marbles 69 rear sight…
Good Luck!!!
WACA 9519; Studying Pre-64 Model 70 Winchesters
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