Pre-64 as Bert states? If it is a Pre-64 NIB I have seen them go unfired in pristine condition around my neck of the woods east of Mississippi for as much as 1k to $1200 without box. I am sure correct box/paperwork would add some value as well. Again this is Pre-64, but I have seen Post-64 Model 100s go for as much as well. Condition, condition, condition, and date of manufacture, and caliber is the key.
WACA #10119
NRA Member
August 24, 2023

I’ve been told but have never verified this with Winchester rifles, No such thing as an “Unfired” gun because they are all test fired from the factory.
I love the model 100 rifles and carbines and usually find them in nice condition here in upstate NY for around $600 these days. What a new one in its original box that appears to be never fired is a question I can’t answer but I am very sure there would be interested buyers today. I bought my original one back in 1965 and it was made in late 1964 and has the basketweave stock. All of my pre 64 ones have hand checkered stocks. Great deer rifles for sure and becoming more valuable as collector guns.
Gary Lothrop said
I’ve been told but have never verified this with Winchester rifles, No such thing as an “Unfired” gun because they are all test fired from the factory.
Of course they are, even military rifles produced in large numbers & often in a great hurry. If “unfired” has any meaning, it’s that gun hasn’t been fired since leaving factory. There are, by the way, quite a few of those repro Model 52 Sporters made in Japan showing up on Gunbroker in “unfired” cond, bringing about 1/3 more than same guns without box.
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