The seller put effort into writing this up. So much fantasy, conjecture, glossing over important alterations… what a mess of a gun. I was going to say at least it should kill a deer, but given how dirty he says the who knows what defects may be lurking? I suppose if a buyer finds a serious defect in the bore, the seller could fire back – “I didn’t know – it was so dirty!” Gunbroker can be quite the entertainment channel.
November 7, 2015

Nice find. All I can say is this rifle has a truckload of character. I suspect the GB spin-doctors will steal that but that’s a risk we take. It could very well be a shooter but @ this price I’ll pass.
Here’s another one. First word in the description is, “Rare” (I guess they didn’t make many .33 WCF’s). But to be fair, how often do you see a Winchester with a Remington buttplate?
clarence said
steve004 said
But to be fair, how often do you see a Winchester with a Remington buttplate?Well, he said it was rare!
I just received an e-mail from gunbroker regarding this rifle:
These deserve more than a once-over
Seriously? I’d like someone at gunbroker to explain the criteria for or what their definition of, “deserve” is.
steve004 said
I just received an e-mail from gunbroker regarding this rifle:
These deserve more than a once-over
Seriously? I’d like someone at gunbroker to explain the criteria for or what their definition of, “deserve” is.
Looks like you’ve been promoted to the sucker-list, Steve!
November 7, 2015

Well, it IS a takedown. I gave it a little more than a once-over and moved past the butt plate to “where should I start?” I’m thinking Frankenchester but I’ve got socks that need sorting.
November 7, 2015

[email protected] said
Makes me wonder why his pics are date stamped 3/12/2020?
That caught my eye, too. Maybe he’s starting to wonder if P. T. Barnum was wrong after all?
These are fun to read. My contributions:
- A good example of a bad example.
- Could be used as a teaching tool in “Buying a Winchester 101”:
- How far away can you stand before you see the obvious problems? Glasses allowed.
- How many problems can you find? Time-limited.
- What are the usable parts worth?
- How would you spin this to someone who didn’t know any better?
- Take at least five photos that hide the most egregious problems.
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