I am a new member and not familiar with the forum process. I recently acquired a Winchester 1894 serial number 811XXX with a 20″ carbine barrel and what I believe to be a 2/3 length magazine. It is 32 Winchester Special caliber. According to what I found online the serial number makes it a 1917 production. It has a crescent shaped steel buttplate. It does NOT have a saddle ring. I would be interested in any info others might be able to give me. Thanks for any input.
Welcome aboard!
You will need to post a complete serial number for you’re model 1894 rifle, mfg. in 1915. The best reference online anywhere is on this Forum, at the top, under Resources, and click on that to see when was your Winchester made. No other resource is more accurate than here. Pictures of you’re rifle will help out tremendously.
Please read this topic and post a series of clear pictures of your November 1915 production Model 1894.
Posting Pictures – 2024 | Forum Rules and FAQs | Forum | Winchester CollectorWinchester Collector
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
I’m just learning this stuff so feel free to ignore me. I suspect this gun may be pieced together. I see a rifle style butt plate attached to the stock, and with no saddle ring, the receiver may be from a rifle as well.
The forearm and barrel are both from a carbine.
The rear sight is not standard for a carbine and the blade on the front sight looks off to me as well.
The short magazine tube and button cap are also not standard.
Again, I’m no expert. Bert and others will guide you in the right direction.
It is a Frankenchester, but I believe it started life as an Eastern Carbine. The “rifle” butt stock is not original, the rear sight is not original, the front sight is not original, and the receiver frame has been buffed and refinished. The barrel and 2/3 magazine are most likely original. In summary, it is a “shooter” grade gun with minimal value.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
Alaska94 said
Did Winchester make Eastern Carbines in 1915?I thought they entered the stage in the late 1920’s / early 1930’s.
Yes–assuming on a special order basis. Here’s one from 1916 which is a bit unusual with a factory rifle buttstock and rear sight dovetail pushed forward to accept a rifle-style rear sight, which is a full California buckhorn. The last photo is a snip-it from Bob Renneberg’s model 1894 book.
Rampart54 said
Bert,The front sight appears to be a Marbles 94C supposedly made for the 1894 Carbine. Is this correct? Also what is the correct rear sight for this carbine? Thank you.
The front sight is a Marbles 94C, and they were made for the 1894 Carbines… but they were not factory installed. Based on the location of the rear sight dovetail, the original rear sight was either a Carbine leaf (No. 44A), or a Winchester 3-leaf express sight.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
Alaska94 said
Did Winchester make Eastern Carbines in 1915?I thought they entered the stage in the late 1920’s / early 1930’s.
Yes. Based on my research survey (which begins with serial number 354000), Eastern Carbines were available on special order as early as June 1907. The lowest serial number that I have documented is 354550. In total, I have (115) documented before 1916 (June 1907 – December 1915).
In the year 1928, Winchester began manufacturing batches of Eastern Carbines as standard practice.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
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