The First Model 1894 receivers are found as late as serial number 7471, but they are very uncommon after serial number 5220. Second Model receivers are found as early as serial number 510, but are very uncommon until serial number 828. Fron serial number 828 through 5220 it is nearly an even (50/50) mix of First and Second Model receivers
You did not mention what caliber the SRC with S/N 2114 is ? Based on my research survey, 98.8% of all First Model 1894s are 38-55 caliber, with the remaining 1.2% being 30 WCF. No First Models have ever been found in 32-40 or 25-35 WCF.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
Bert H. said
Mark,The First Model 1894 receivers are found as late as serial number 7471, but they are very uncommon after serial number 5220. Second Model receivers are found as early as serial number 510, but are very uncommon until serial number 828. Fron serial number 828 through 5220 it is nearly an even (50/50) mix of First and Second Model receivers
You did not mention what caliber the SRC with S/N 2114 is ? Based on my research survey, 98.8% of all First Model 1894s are 38-55 caliber, with the remaining 1.2% being 30 WCF. No First Models have ever been found in 32-40 or 25-35 WCF.
The SRC is in 38-55. Interesting that there are no known 32-40 first models as this was one of the first calibers in the 1894 and it came before the 30wcf? If the 32-40 came out in 1894, presumably when the only receivers there were were first models, it sure seems that there must be some first models in 32-40. Perhaps the first and second model receivers were actually produced simultaneously from the git go? I understand the mixing of parts but being significantly different (the first and second models) it sure seems odd the spread in serial range the 2 were mixed. Things were so much simpler back in the day because, well, who really cared!! Lol. Thanks for the input,
While it has been previously published by some authors, it is not true that the 32-40 was introduced at the same time as the 38-55 in the Model 1894… it actually was several months later.
Keep in mind that the Model 1894 S/N 1 was manufactured in late September 1894, and that the first Model 1894 in 32-40 was S/N 692 (December 14, 1894). The cartridge guides and carrier for the 32-40 are physically different than the 38-55, and that is undoubtedly what influenced Winchester to create the Second Model receiver frame. The First and Second Model receivers were not initially produced simultaneously. The first verified Second Model receiver frame was S/N 510 (a Take Down rifle in 38-55).
Based on the ARMAX survey the original (5) calibers were introduced as follows;
38-55 – September 1894
32-40 – December 1894
30 WCF – May 1895
25-35 WCF – July 1895
32 WS – October 1901
Thus far, I have documented (verified) a total of (503) Model 1894s in the serial number range 1 – 7999. Of that number, (250) or almost half of them are First Models. I am still actively searching for all Model 1894s in that serial number range.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
November 7, 2015

This is what fascinates me about Winchester and the early 1894’s! If I understand the process correctly one (or more) area(s) of the factory produced Type 1 receivers while another area began producing the Type 2 receiver. Both types were in the polishing room at the same time where the serial number was applied. Then I can only assume they went to different areas to be assembled as the parts and processes involved were apparently quite different. I know the factory was quite a bit larger than I imagine but the logistics of this process boggle my feeble mind.
It is highly unlikely that Winchester manufactured the two receiver types in different areas, and then assembled them in different areas. My bet is that the individual work benches in the assembly room had all of the parts on hand to assemble either a First or a Second variation receiver, and it was the assembly person who determined which parts were needed.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
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