Jmp73 said
Want to start reloading for a 1876 40-60, dies seem to be difficult to find. Wondering if 40-65 dies from the 1886 can be used. Brass / bullets are not a problem surprisingly.Thanks
Absolutely not… the 40-65 WCF cartridge is a necked down 45-70. The 40-60 WCF is an entirely different dimensional cartridge.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
November 7, 2015

One avenue to explore may be a neck sizing die. The neck of the 40-60 appears to be long enough for this type of die but I haven’t tried it.
If you search EBAY for “Winchester loading tool” you will see different models. The 1880 tool is made like a Lyman tong, the 1894 tool is a different design. They come in many calibers, you want Winchester 40-60, not Marlin 40-60. I just searched and nothing listed but you will see what they look like. The tool de-caps, caps, sizes, seats the bullet, and crimps. Price if you find one is about $150 and up depending condition. Winchester tools are collectable. T/R
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
All you need to do is squeeze the neck of a fired case so it will accept the new bullet. Measure the neck ID of a fired case then drill a hole in a piece if aluminum that will reduce the neck ID to the point it will get you about .005″ of neck tension. Chamfer one side of the hole to get the case neck started. Lube the case and press the case neck into the hole. (Measure the diameter of the sized neck, seat the bullet, measure the neck again. The difference is the neck tension in .001″ of an inch.)
This will get you by until you can find some dies. You can seat the bullet with what ever you have, like a vise if necessary.
TR and 1873Man ‘splained it very well. For my .40-60 WCF reloading I use an original Winchester 1880 loading tool and a 1889 mold. The mold drops a 210 grain bullet.
I created a thread on reloading the .40-60 WCF last year.
I call myself a collector as it sounds better than hoarder
What size are your bullets, 406? I have 210/220 41 mag bullets I can size down
I need to make a lead slug to check bore dia. I use a 38 hbwc and squash it in a vise a couple thou over bore… pretty slick.
Thats a good looking round Bill, those winchester tools are sweet……. BTW Grafs has brass if anyone needs some.
November 7, 2015

Don’t pass up a chance to score a Winchester mould. One in good condition works great and drops as good a bullet as most modern moulds.
Please keep us posted on your project.
Will do.
Slugged the bore and it measures .404. Acme makes a 40-65 250 gr coated in .406 so that would be perfect. I use their .3135 115 coated in my ’73 32-20 and they group tight with no leading. The 41 mag FL die will work for a neck die as long as the neck walls are around .010. They size to .404. Already have a universal decap/seater that i made.
I think you will find that a 260 grain bullet will not stabilize correctly in an original Winchester .40-60 WCF rifle. The rifling twist was designed to work with a 210 grain bullet.
On the other hand, the .40-60 Marlin and .40-65 WCF (same cartridge, different name) used the 260 grain bullet. The .40-82 WCF used it as well but they had different rifling twist.
Your mileage may vary.
I call myself a collector as it sounds better than hoarder

Jmp73 said
Want to start reloading for a 1876 40-60, dies seem to be difficult to find. Wondering if 40-65 dies from the 1886 can be used. Brass / bullets are not a problem supriseingly. If anyone has a line on some 40-60 dies that would be greatThanks
Old post but if you are looking i just saw a set at the des moines gunshow last weekend. Research iowa 2024 gunshows it will show who put the show on call him and ask who the guy was at right hand front corner of the room was. He sold all old reloading supplies.
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