I am working on a manuscript to survey and document the firearms used in the Johnson County (Wyoming) War of April 1892. After the invasion, the vigilantes surrendered their arms, ammunition and horses. The list of firearms includes the owner’s name, make, caliber and serial number. Winchester rifles made up the vast majority of the long arms.
Here is an example:
A. Adamson Winchester .44 #197923
From that we may infer that Adamson had a Model 1873, .44 WCF caliber, SN 197923.
I have been getting serial number search (SNA) letters for as many guns as I can. I could use some help. WACA members have already helped with some SNA’s. If you are a Buffalo Bill Historical Center member and WACA member you are eligible for a bonus pack of SNA search letters. I don’t need full on factory letters, the SNA gets the information I need.
If you want to help, please send me a PM and I will give you one or several (your choice) serial numbers to search. The Winchesters used were Models 1873, 1876 and 1886.
I call myself a collector as it sounds better than hoarder
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