1886 load data with IMR 4198
I hand load the following:
38-56-260 25Grains
38-70-260 26
38-72-260 26
40-65-260 23
40-70-320 24
40-72-320 24
40-82-260 28
45-70-300 34
45-90-300 38
50-100-300 39 with quilters wool filler
lead from buffalo arms
would like your comments–Bill
Have any of these rounds been shot across a chronograph? If so what FPS are you getting. Speed does not tell you the exact pressure but it can help keep that pressure down. I would recommend a filler for all of these to keep the powder down around the primer.
In my 45-90’s I use the same weight bullet but 31 grains of 4198 and get just over 1500 FPS.
I don’t have a 50-110 but I use 33 grains of 4198 with the 300 grain bullet in my 50-95 and get about 1400 FPS.
I took a look at the Barnes data for a 50-110. Using a 285 grain bullet it shows to use 39 grains of 4198 for 1750 FPS. The standard muzzle velocity for a 300 grain bullet is 1605 FPS. Heavier bullets are loaded with less powder. So…. Somewhere around or less than 39 grains max.
86’s are strong actions relative to the other guns of the period but hot loads in an old gun is not recommended.
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