Hi All,
I am new to toe forum and collector association.
I have tried the search feature but had no hits. I was wondering if anyone has any information on the Winchester Model 600?
I know these are a continuation of the Cooey Model 60 and rebranded to the Model 600 after Winchesters take over of Cooey in 1961. I have purchased John A. Belton’s book online but I am waiting for it to be delivered.
Does anyone have any information on numbers produced or anything like that?
Good morning, PJ. I’m not familiar with the Model 600 myself. Could you post some photos?
- Bill
WACA # 65205; life member, NRA; member, TGCA; member, TSRA; amateur preservationist
"I have seen wicked men and fools, a great many of both, and I believe they both get paid in the end, but the fools first." -- David Balfour, narrator and protagonist of the novel, Kidnapped, by Robert Louis Stevenson.
As discussed above the Model 600 was just a continuation of the Canadian Cooey Model 60 after Winchesters take over and creation of Winchester Canada.
It was a tube fed bolt action rimfire rifle. It was designed as a tube feb because at the time of design,Circa 1939 I think, there was no clear winner between .22 short, long and long rifle. A tube feed allows each to be loaded reliably with a controlled round feed feature on the bolt face.
I have not taken possession of the rifle I have purchased yet, but there are some pictures from online.
Thank you for the photos. The member I know to be the experts expert on Winchester rimfires is JWA, who is also a friendly and collegial fellow. If I were you, I’d consider private messaging him to see if he can help you or refer you to a colleague who can..
- Bill
WACA # 65205; life member, NRA; member, TGCA; member, TSRA; amateur preservationist
"I have seen wicked men and fools, a great many of both, and I believe they both get paid in the end, but the fools first." -- David Balfour, narrator and protagonist of the novel, Kidnapped, by Robert Louis Stevenson.
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