I sincerely doubt that you want to spend the effort and the great expense to replace the sights that your low-wall letters with. A decent condition graduated peep sight and Winchester globe front sight will cost approximately $1,200, which is more than the rifle is worth with the non-factory original holes drilled & tapped in the barrel for the scope. Frankly, my recommendation is to leave the scope on it and shoot it.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
November 7, 2015

Welcome, Jim!
It appears a previous custodian has elected to modify your Single Shot to make it a better shooter, at least for his purposes. When you consider the price Bert mentioned for the sights and the cost and effort in obtaining a Swiss butt and plate the proposition seems cost-prohibitive, especially considering it will never be an “original” gun again. If the bore is good it will make a great little shooter. If the bore is not to your liking I’d consider relining it.
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