I have a plain pistol grip Model 90 and would like to know the value difference from the checked pistol grip Model 90? There are references to the checked Fancy Finish Model 90, but not he unchecked plain pistol grip in the “RED BOOK OF WINCHESTER VALUES”. Even a “guesstamation”? Thanks, it’s a 1924 vintage gun. RDB
The Red Book (as stated in the front matter) only covers the catalogued variations.
You question to not easy to answer, as it has no definitive answer. Each collector has his/her own opinion about it. That stated, my personal rule of thumb is this;
1. Standard plain rifle with plain walnut straight grip stocks = 1.0
2. Pistol grip with plain walnut no checkering = 1.25 – 1.4
3. Pistol grip with plain walnut and checkered stocks = 1.5 – 1.6
4. Fancy Sporting Rifle with Pistol Grip and 2X checkered stocks = 2
5. Fancy Sporting Rifle with Pistol Grip and 3X (or better) checkered stocks = 2.2 – 2.5
The numbers I mention above are multipliers.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
I used to collect 1890’s. From experience I think the multipliers should be double of what Bert stated. In those days a standard rifle would bring $500. A plain pistol grip around $1000. A semi deluxe pistol grip $1500. The deluxe pistol grips that were case hardened would bring $5000.
Other factors can come into play. You have to add for a 1st Model, an antique or something unusual like a deluxe straight grip or a round barrel.
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