Today, I found another “Grail” gun at a Cabelas online. A real nice, 100% correct, M58 Winchester. Very elusive rifle. $3.50 new in 1930, I think these were the cheapest Winchester rifles ever made. Around 30,000 were made and these guns were pretty much “throwaways”. Probably still great shooters though, as they were, Winchesters. Anyway, this is the nicest one I have seen in many years, so I paid the exorbitant price of $700 for it. I wonder where Cabelas gets all these nice rifles? Last one I bought from them, was a 95% M56 in 22 short. I stole that one. Big Larry
Not sure where you heard that, but it is not true. A couple of years ago, the Springfield Oregon Cabela’s Gun Library store bought (19) Winchesters from a good friend of mine and they paid him his asking prices for them… and they were not wholesale prices. They do indeed jack up the prices though.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
Yesterday, when I made my deal, I was told they were into that M58 pretty heavy, but he did drop the price $50. I look at the prices of old guns as secondary as to how bad I want them.
I have bought several guns at different Cabelas and paid the Piper for them. If I hadn’t, I would never have owned a 1927 vintage M94 SRC in 38-55, my M56, or the M58. I have seen some real good deals on guns there as well. They always seem to be up to dealing with a customer. All you have to do is ask.
Can you do a little better on the price? Saved me $50 yesterday.
One thing about Cabelas, is they charge tax on their guns if there is a Cabelas in your state. Unfortunately, we have one in Utah, so I have to add 6% to the total.
I have never sold them a gun, so I don’t know how much they give you for your treasures. I rarely sell my guns.
They have always treated me well and they do ship in a timely manner, packed well too. Their communications are real good, but some of the staff is a little short on gun knowledge at times. Big Larry
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