I recently purchased a Model 77 from an auction. It was unable to fire it and upon disassembly I found the firing pin striker was broken so I replaced it and reassembled with no issues but when I went to test fire, it repeatably jams after the first shot and the spent casing is left inside not exiting as it should. I could tell someone had it apart before me. The bolt moves freely except at the very end of its travel rearward I’d say the last 1/4″ it is almost unbearable to move the action all the of the way back a second time. I also used different types of ammo, Federal Auto Match being the last. Any good advice would be apricated. Thanks Bert
I am going to assume that this is a box magazine model apposed to a tube fed and as such i would look carefully at the following areas. First, the extractor. It it contoured correctly and is the spring in good condition (often lost or omitted by a novice tinkerer? Second, the feed lips of the magazine need to looked at. Most of the time, especially with an aftermarket mag, the lips are to high and interfere with the bolt travel.
It would be easier with the rifle in hand, but these are problems I’ve run into.
Southern Oregon
NRA member
Fraternal Order of Eagles
“There is but one answer to be made to the dynamite bomb and that can best be made by the Winchester rifle.”
Teddy Roosevelt
Thanks for the advice. Yes it is clip fed. I have double checked the reassembly and made sure the sear was not installed backwards. I made sure that the ejection pin is passing through the bolt. It seems like the feed from the clip is functioning properly but the spent shell casing will not exit the chamber and jams the bolt not allowing it to fully close. I will disassemble the bolt next and see what is happening there.
Is the case easily removed by fingernail or is it stuck somewhat firmly?
Did you mean magazine follower where you typed sear?
Can you manually cycle the loaded action and does it work properly? If not you have a bad extractor or missing extractor spring.
Southern Oregon
NRA member
Fraternal Order of Eagles
“There is but one answer to be made to the dynamite bomb and that can best be made by the Winchester rifle.”
Teddy Roosevelt
Yes, everything seems to function properly, and I did mean sear. There is a shelf on the button that must face the rear. Maybe I’m over thinking this, but the barrel script does read – 22L. RIFLE – so I tried a few 22L rounds with the same results. It stated on the internet that this rifle was only made in 22LR. If anyone knows a good Winchester Gunsmith that is familiar with these 77’s please let me know and I will send it off. Thanks Bert
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