November 7, 2015

May not be a mechanical issue, try working the bolt a bit work briskly. I’ve had the same issue when moving the bolt too slowly.
Check to make sure the ejector (the half moon piece toward the rear of the breech) is not installed backward.
There is a channel in the middle of it, and at the front right side of the channel a corner should be shaved off.
If you don’t see it, the ejector is likely on backward.
Here’s a photo:
Thank you for your response. I have polished the left extractor so it releases the shell better. That helped a little. When the magazine is empty the shell ejects properly. The magazine has a lot of play. Is this correct? Or is that my problem? It seems if there is a round in the magazine it retards the ejected shell. Any more ideas?
November 7, 2015

With feeding issues the easy answer is to try another magazine. Ejection? Maybe. Factory or aftermarket mag? Never had an issue with a factory magazine but it’s possible.
The box magazine should not have a lot of play. Something is a miss. Without the rifle in hand I couldn’t venture a guess. I’ll try to pull my 75 out of the safe and give it some thought. Will post if I come up with an idea.
Southern Oregon
NRA member
Fraternal Order of Eagles
“There is but one answer to be made to the dynamite bomb and that can best be made by the Winchester rifle.”
Teddy Roosevelt
I once backed out the trigger spring adjusting screw too far, trying to reduce trigger pull.
The screw was contacting the bottom of the stock (in fact, making an indentation), and caused the action to not sit quite right in the stock.
The result was the magazine did not fit properly in the magazine holder, and gave feeding problems.
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