January 26, 2011

1962, toward the end of production. Should be a grooved receiver and a plastic buttplate.
Carl Vik said
MichaelYes, should I be wary of? Heard there are a lot of fakes out there.
Carl Vik
He has A LOT of really nice looking rifles and several have boxes associated with them. He probably is selling off someones impressive collection that took some time and money to assemble. But you ALWAYS need to be wary! And I am always skeptical of perfect 60 and 70 year old cardboard. Why did the original owner buy a gun which had no collector value when it was purchased and keep boxes for ALL those years?
Model 1892 / Model 61 Collector, Research, Valuation
Jut reading Schwings M61 book last night where there were pics of sealed boxes of M61’s. Rare? You bet.
HLV Fine Guns seems to be on the up and up. I just concluded a deal with Harry and his wife for a real nice Winchester M06. Right now, they are having bad weather and shipping is a little slow. This is my first dealing with these folks, and have spoken to Harrys wife, and they seem to know their stuff. My M06 is due Saturday, and we will know how honest they are. Look at their list. They have no junk. Big Larry
Big Larry said
Jut reading Schwings M61 book last night where there were pics of sealed boxes of M61’s. Rare? You bet.HLV Fine Guns seems to be on the up and up. I just concluded a deal with Harry and his wife for a real nice Winchester M06. Right now, they are having bad weather and shipping is a little slow. This is my first dealing with these folks, and have spoken to Harrys wife, and they seem to know their stuff. My M06 is due Saturday, and we will know how honest they are. Look at their list. They have no junk. Big Larry
I have not worked with HLV in any way. He most definitely has a fine looking inventory of some nice rifles for sale. The OP was asking if he should be wary and my only advice is that we ALL need to be so when purchasing any “way above average” condition rifle. I have documented quite a few fabulous rifles that are questionable being sold by supposedly good dealers. And have seen even more that suddenly have a box associated with them that was not in a previous sale.
Model 1892 / Model 61 Collector, Research, Valuation
Antonio said
I have dealt with Harry and Marcia Viezen on more than one occasion and have had Zero Problems.Anthony
Yeah, I really enjoyed talking to Marcia. Saturday, I will know 1st hand if their guns are as good as advertised. I bought a real nice Win. M06 from them. High dollar rifle. They had 3 and I bought the most expensive one. She assured me the bore was nice, a problem with a lot of externally nice M06’s. It has special sights, but no assurance they were factory. Very hard to tell with no records. The pics look good, but I am a bore freak. I have 5 M06’s and the early one has a rough bore, but the outside is about 97%. Here’s hoping. Big Larry
Big Larry,
I would be surprised if you weren’t Happy with your purchase as you know their pictures are great and their descriptions are very truth full as you’ll soon see.
As you know Harry’s Hearing is failing as he has an additional delayed Electronic hearing device that helps him when you call but his Eye sight and knowledge is Trusting. Marcia is also knowledgeable as was stated and their easy to deal with like we said. Can’t wait to hear more about your purchase after you get it!
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