Hey everyone, hope you had a great day like I did. I got to go to the range with my son who grew up 800 miles away and has recently moved here to buy my old house. So anyway, we have a lot of catching up to do.
I put an EGW rail and a scope I had here on the M75. I took it to the range Friday and function tested to ensure it shoots, the rail showed up Saturday, and guess where I was on Sunday!
Here are some groups I shot with it.
I got the 17A globe sight on the front of the M47 and a .040″ target aperture for the rear. Holy cow, what a blast to shoot. I can see the sights and target so I am going with the same setup on the old M57 too. My son had a blast shooting it too, he as I loved that extra challenge shooting the peep sights, thanks everyone for the recommendation! Here are some groups at 50yds with the M47.
ShawnN said
I got the 17A globe sight on the front of the M47 and a .040″ target aperture for the rear. Holy cow, what a blast to shoot. I can see the sights and target so I am going with the same setup on the old M57 too. My son had a blast shooting it too, he as I loved that extra challenge shooting the peep sights, thanks everyone for the recommendation!
I haven’t shot with a scope since I “retired” from hunting when I broke my ankle at the age of 70. You want a challenge, get away from a bench, except for the purpose of reloading & holding your gear.
November 7, 2015

Well done, Shawn. Send one of the guns home with your son, trust me on this one. He’s the future of our hobby.
TXGunNut said
Well done, Shawn. Send one of the guns home with your son, trust me on this one. He’s the future of our hobby.
He already knows they’ll be his one day (not too soon I hope) and until then he can use them any time as much as he wants! I am truly glad he likes shooting the old single shot, and I think he’ll like the old 57 too. I need to disengage the automatic safety on the 47, we don’t have any youngsters around to really need it.
I think a love affair has started with the M75, the ghetto Savage MKII better get in line and on target or she’ll be out on the street!
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