Was visiting a friend today…. he brought out something I’ve never seen before. It’s a Winchester 1906…deluxe… looks like the 1906 “Expert”. Pistol grip and smooth forend slide… nickel receiver… tang sight… the kicker was the oval emblem in the butt stock that stated “From Winchester arms to our good friend Nana Gable” …. the gun was in terrible condition, but the fact that it was a presentation piece made me want it to put on my wall! Does anyone here have any information on who “Nana Gable” might be? The guns serial number was from 1919… the bore was good too… I’ve let my interest be known and will hopefully be able to own it… I will try to get pics this weekend… not many things make my heart jump, but that rifle sure did!
In researching old newspapers I find many articles about Clark Gable. Most of them start with “Hollywood” NANA and then mention Gable. Maybe Nana was a nickname. This would be interesting research. This may have been gifted to Gable or he could have had it engraved for his own memories.
There was a movie titled NANA but he isn’t listed in the cast.
The history of this rifle is intriguing.
Good luck, Don
Sad that such an obviously very special presentation piece later fell into the undeserving hands of the low-life who allowed it to degenerate to its present condition; anyone with an IQ above 75 should have been able to recognize it was “something special.” Nothing to do with Clark, I don’t think–he wasn’t even a blip on the movie-land radar in 1919.
win4575 said
Looks like Tedk solved the mystery. Very interesting. Would really like to see pictures of this gun.
He did! I’ve heard of many other performers in BB’s show, but not her. (Wonder how she got along with “Little Miss Sharpshooter”?) Maybe photos of the gun are in this book:
I guess if Ben winds up with the gun, he’ll feel obligated to donate it to the BB Museum?
Next time you see the unicorn running through the forest please take a picture! I would love to see that rifle and hope you are able to acquire it.
Best Regards,
WACA Life Member #6284 - Specializing in Pre-64 Winchester .22 Rimfire
clarence said
win4575 said
Looks like Tedk solved the mystery. Very interesting. Would really like to see pictures of this gun.
He did! I’ve heard of many other performers in BB’s show, but not her. (Wonder how she got along with “Little Miss Sharpshooter”?) Maybe photos of the gun are in this book:
I guess if Ben winds up with the gun, he’ll feel obligated to donate it to the BB Museum?
Not a chance….
Chances of getting it are somewhere between “slim” and “none”…closer to “none”. :{ However, I’ve since done a bit of digging thanks to TedK’s “googlefu”… really interesting lady. I’m printing off 15 pages and will take it to my friend. I know he will be thrilled…maybe down the road, my help may come back to me in the form of being able to be the next caretaker. Anyway…. I am going to ask if he would be willing to let me bring it to Cody for “show & tell”. Might even be a good “prop” for the guest speaker at the banquet. (which I still need to get a ticket to)
Ben said
Anyway…. I am going to ask if he would be willing to let me bring it to Cody for “show & tell”. Might even be a good “prop” for the guest speaker at the banquet. (which I still need to get a ticket to)
Get your ticket early, I only perform at sold out venues……
WACA Life Member #6284 - Specializing in Pre-64 Winchester .22 Rimfire
I’m printing off 15 pages and will take it to my friend. I know he will be thrilled…maybe down the road, my help may come back to me in the form of being able to be the next caretaker. Ben said
I hope so, but confess to being skeptical; increases odds, I think, he’ll send it off to some big auction house, after he finds out his decrepit old gun is in fact an “historical treasure.” Maybe your friend will be the exception, but I’ve seen this kind of scenario play out many times. The reward of the “Good Samaritan” is more likely to be “thanks for your help.”
Big Larry said
Does the rifle look like this one? Most M1906’s have really taken a beating. This is the nicest one I could find. Very accurate 22. Big Larry
Yes it does…. the rifle is missing the magazine inner tube. I’ve got a real roach 1906 that I’m going to donate the tube from. I may not get to own it, but I have to make it complete… I’m visiting him tomorrow… he will be very surprised. He was talking about sending it to Turnbull’s for restoration, but we both thought it would never be worth any more than the cost Turnbull would charge. Got to tell him it would be an absolute mistake to have it restored…
Update… called my friend and informed him of his good fortune… he was stunned. With Washington states crazy laws, I’m going to have to do a 4473 “transfer” so I can bring the rifle to Cody. Technically, it will be mine during that time, but I will be transferring it back to him when I get home. Talking with JWA, I think I might do a single gun display for the fun of it. Will get to Cody early to see if I can get a letter for it… this is way too much fun. 🙂
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