I used some warm soapy water on the stock and forend and recoil pad. Waxed the stock to “even out” the spots missing finish-the lack of finish is still visible adjacent to the recoil pad, but not nearly as pronounced
Automatic transmission fluid and bronze wool for the rust spots. There is still some discoloration, but not as bad.
Very NICE! Congratulations on finding such a fine piece. It shows very little use. I hope you will get some good use out of it. I still use a Model 12 to shoot singles and handicap twice a week. Unfortunately I am not a consistent shooter and don’t always do the guns justice. I haven’t been able to get the nack of shooting doubles down either. May be some day.
November 7, 2015

Cleaned up nicely, congrats on a nice shotgun. What’s the barrel length? I really enjoy shooting Trap with a full choke, awesome breaks all the way to the stake if I do my part and use good ammo.
Start buying shells as soon as you can! Stock pile them! Kalifornia requires us to do paper work through the Dept. of Justice just to buy ammo. Then there is the ammo shortage problem now going on. I ordered 20 cases of 1 1/8 oz. #7 1/2 and was lucky to get 10 cases of 7/8 oz. #8. Good Luck! RDB
I’ve shot my grandfathers similar gun, 11 years newer, with incredible results. First time out I broke (powdered) 25 straight in a league shoot. I had never handled a gun like that. The pattern in my mind is unequalled. Late in the evening 35 of us pitched in for a game of knockout. I broke rocks behind the fourth shooter twice. At the end we had to move vehicles in the parking lot to get clear shots from an estimated 60 yards from the house. I squeezed at the apex of the rocks flight swinging 12 ft. below and watched as the rock broke into 6 pieces. The gentleman left standing, shooting a new Perazzi, missed from my spot. I’ve had similar results at several less formal fundraising events since then. I expect you should get years of enjoyment from your fine trap gun! Regards
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