For all those interested more info can be found at if you would like to subscribe to the current issues or if you are interested in pre-ordering a set of the originals as part of the Kickstarter. Right now the latter is a placeholder and the ordering will go live on the 22nd.
The 30 percent discount applies to subscriptions to the current issues if you are a CFM member and being a subscriber can get you a upgrade on the base version if you pre-order the reprints. This applies to new subscribers who remain so and to current subscribers. Thanks for the support! Happy to answer any questions.
We may do a digital version in future for both the reprint and the new issues, but since we’ve started the new issues we’ve gotten a lot of requests for a physical reprint.
We will be adding color and detail photography wherever possible and editorial notes where new information is available so there will be value added beyond just accessing the out of print information.
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