Guys I know this is probably a part I’m not going to be able to find but I need a V type-1 style carrier spring for my model 1895 30-40 “30US” caliber rifle. These Vee type springs seem to be really hard to find it looks like the one in this picture. Picture of carrier spring
If anyone has one for sale or could point me in the right direction to obtain one that would be awesome mine broke in half the 1st day of deer season here in PA this year.
Eric Ritchey [email protected]
Eric, An old, original will be hard to come by I suspect. I would first see if Brownells happens to have a sheet metal Vee spring similar in size that would work. However, try contacting Mark Douglas (he has the you tubes at the header to this forum) as he is a gunsmith and specializes in the 1895. I should imagine he may either have one or can make one. Tim
I need help finding a good replacement stock set for my M1895 SRC, I think Gunville is out of business now. I ordered the set from them in April 2024, I have completed lost contact with them since late September. No email, texts, or phone calls answered. Luckily they did not ask for payment. Mark seemed very nice and I think something unfortunate must have happened. Now my search is still on. I would much prefer a carbine style butt plate, but like everyone, cannot find that either. Does anyone make new ones?
Love my ‘95 but hard to enjoy with no stock!
Regards, Robert Hill
Reply: Winchester model 1895
Reply: winchester model 1895
Hi there!
I have a model 1895 lever action with a box magazine below the action and a saddle ring. It was my grandfathers and was passed down to me along with several other firearms. The serial number is 9133 so I think it’s pretty old. I don’t know what the caliber is exactly. It is in pretty good shape and hasn’t been modified but seems to be missing the cleaning rod kit and trap door in the butt. Any advice on finding that.
Mitchell, Your rifle or carbine in that serial range would not have had the jointed rods and the buttplate was not provided a trap door. So don’t go looking for a chimera that isn’t appropriate. The caliber should be marked on the barrel at minimum but being a carbine you hopefully have a top handguard. Don’t mess with it trying to take it off if it is OK and present. Too many top handguards have been broken inappropriately taking them off or putting them back on. Some carbines had the caliber also marked on the side of the receiver, but yours is early enough likely to not have been done. I would about lay money on it being a 30 US/30 Army (OK, also known by many as a .30-40 Krag). See if you can get it checked by a knowledgeable individual or preferably a GOOD gunsmith. Don’t let him pry the top guard off the barrel or snap it back on! The wood is thin and will likely break! Slide the spring clips forward or rearward on the barrel with the rear sight removed! But caliber should be able to be confirmed by knowledgeable folks without disassembly. Tim
Your 1895 was manufactured in 1898.
Please post pictures.
Mitchell, I need to give you a better answer. IF your SRC does not have a carbine style butt plate, there would be no trap door. There are various reasons why it may not be a carbine butt plate, such as a person having sawn it off straight for a recoil pad or special ordered for something else. Unless it was made with a trap door butt plate, no cleaning apparatus would have been provided. If it had a trap door butt plate (SRCs, muskets, special ordered rifles, etc) then a pull through type cleaner would have been provided. They used a cotton cord with a brass weighted end and a brass ferrule on the other for a jag or a brush. You may find one somewhere, but odds are it will have had the cord replaced or be a new manufactured item. Good originals exist but usually are already matched to a firearm. I’ve no idea of the asking prices. Your SRC is of a serial number that the Cody Firearms Museum would have a record and that would show the configuration at its build. IF all a research request or letter says is SRC and caliber, the butt stock and butt plate would be the standard carbine style. It will show if a special butt was ordered (such as a rifle style butt). That then would support a higher value on the carbine. I would recommend you check with them. Likely cheaper than having a good gunsmith determine the caliber as a plus. Tim
Eric, First, did you get help anywhere for your 1895 spring? I got curious, had some time on my hands, went to Brownells site. Man! It has changed big time! I used to be able to call up leaf springs (gun smith supplies or something) and then pick and choose a few. I have several on hand (none that would work for your application I am afraid) that I got years ago, plus several specialty pieces like for a Model 1912 and Parker toplever spring. Now I can’t get stuff like that to come up. Last time I will recommend anyone to go to Brownells for potential parts on old firearms. Sorry about that! Let me know if you found one, though. Tim
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