I’ve recently endeavored to tighten the take down joint on one of my 1892’s using Mark’s method of doing so. One of the three screws had been buggered up previously and was wondering where I might find a replacement. I have exhausted the usual suppliers I’ve purchased other items from before. In the mean time I will work on it some as it doesn’t screw down flush as the other two do, interfering with the fore end wood. Any help would be appreciated.
Regards, Darrin
I don’t think you will find any for sale since they are seldomly adjusted. If you can remove the bad one you can recut a slot in it or you will need to have one made. If its a common threading you could use a existing screw and cut it and put a slot in it but I think the end is turned smaller in diameter to increase the pressure.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
Thank you Bob,
I agree. The end of the screw is the nominal diameter, approximately 5/32″. I’m certain I can make this one work in less time than I’ve spent looking for one and since it will never be seen, dressing it to fit shouldn’t create any cosmetic short comings other than me knowing its there. Honestly I don’t think it will serve any purpose once I have it tightened per Mark’s directions except filling the hole.
I’ve shied away from take down rifles. I don’t like the swirls that have been scratched into the mag tube and I don’t like the wobble of an ill fitting barrel. If the finish isn’t messed up and the fit is tight don’t mess with the takedown. If you have to take it down, spend a good amount of time cleaning the area of the bands on each side. Move the tube a little and clean more. You’d be surprised how much grit can be between the tube and the band.
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