When my father-in-law’s early 1960s Japanese-made Model 101 Over/Under (#76774) would not shoot, I found that the selector switch was stuck midway between everything and would not budge. Â May have been the WD-40 overdose applied before he stored it away. Â
A small drop of oil worked under the switch freed it up enough to move fore and aft and right to left. Â When it jams up again, a slight twist of the switch frees it up again. Â Wait and see if use continues to limber it up or pull the stock and clean it? Â If I tear it down, do I apply a thin film of oil to the parts?
Since the ejectors were also sticking, I searched for suggestions and found that the online Winchester manual  now recommends lgrease on some parts and oil elsewhere (Fig 6 and 7 below).  Where I am confused is that my F-I-L’s gun is different.  In Fig 6, points A are not found in his gun.  Points B appears to be a rod that is also not found.  The ejector slides and related parts in his gun also differ from Fig 7. Should I apply some light grease to the trunnions and pins? Â
Anyone have the instructions for the Japanese Model 101?
Boy, the pictures sure look worse here than in person.
Any suggestions appreciated.