I’ve got a number of “saved from the scrap pile” Winchesters I’ve brought back from the dead and used a few vendors for replacement stocks and forends but wanted to know what others may be out there.
I’ve used Gunville and have been happy with them (if not a bit slow). I’ve also just used Precision Gun Works and while they shipped immediately I’m having to address some issues with the barrel channel being too wide (they haven’t yet responded to the issue so I’m neutral at this point and this isn’t a review of them either way.)
Are there any other stock makers I should look in to? Nothing fancy, can’t really afford Turnbull or Treebone Carving level right now. Just budget friendly.
Also, I need an 1885 CCH and looking for somone to do the work. I’ve had Turnbull do a 1890 but im looking for someone a little more budget friendly.
I’d like to use Wyoming armory, (Doug ?) but I’m afraid they would turn the work away or insist that I do something different or that he’d need to do more finishing work because it wasn’t adequately finished, etc. (I hear him say that all the time on his YouTube videos and don’t want to deal with that). I understand his ethical position, and would likely agree with him on most of his takes, but this isn’t a museum piece, just a fun shooter. (And I do think I’ve done the finishing work very well.)
I apologize if this isn’t the right place and I’m not trying to promote anyone, just find some good resources.
Thanks in advance.
Look up GTS customizing in Casper, WY. Good work there also but I don’t know pricing. Some of their work is on Facebook and YouTube. You could talk to them and ask what kind of condition it needs to be for an acceptable CCH treatment, if they’re not doing a lot of prep the prices are usually pretty reasonable.
Don’t underestimate a good local gunsmith. You’d have to find someone to give a recommendation though…
Homestead Gun Parts catalogs both vintage original and new semi-finished stocks and forearms for classic Winchesters. I don’t know whether they buy them for resale or mill them. I can say I think they are a reputable firm.
- Bill
WACA # 65205; life member, NRA; member, TGCA; member, TSRA; amateur preservationist
"I have seen wicked men and fools, a great many of both, and I believe they both get paid in the end, but the fools first." -- David Balfour, narrator and protagonist of the novel, Kidnapped, by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Thanks Jeremy, I wish I could find somone local but they seem to be impossible to find. I tried to find a local gunsmith to tig weld a few receiver holes and called every gunsmith in town….theyre all basically ar-15 parts assemblers and cerakoters…..sadly only one even had a lathe…times are changing.
Ive used homestead quite a bit. I actually have been to their store as I’m not too far away and travel often. They don’t make their own furniture, but they wouldn’t tell me where they get them. I was not very pleased with their forends for the 1906…that’s when I started making my own.
I just got my Precision Gun Works 1885 stock and forend. First, their customer service is top notch, stellar. Prices very good as well.
However, the forend channel was overcut (cut too wide.). I contacted them and they only have a few 1885 options left and are no longer making them. He went through his inventory and sent me (at no cost) the forend with the widest channel. It was still a bit too big but I’m able to use a strip of walnut veneer to add some wood back. I’ll probably use some bedding comparing as well.
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