Hey Guys,
I recently finished a stock repair on a 94 Production Carbine made in the early 1950s. When I got everything back together I noticed that the cartridge guide screw on the loading gate side had backed out. (This became obvious during a function check where I experienced some cartridge feeding problems.) I was unable to find any specialty tools on-line, but I did see that a lot of guys make their own bent screwdrivers or grind special screw drivers out of allen wrenches to get at this problem. I was wondering if anyone else has cracked this problem or has any suggestions? I’m sure this topic has probably been covered before, if so, I apologize as I could not find it in any of the older posts. Thank you.
Your going to likely have to make your own screwdriver to fit inside the space available or do as Winchacher said. The only other option is to remove the loading gate and then the left cartridge guide screw to create an opening to pass a small enough screwdriver and bit through to reach the right side. I dont advise this because those darn little screws do have a tendency to strip out. Then your left with drilling it out, re-running the threads to clean them up, and replacing the screw. Most folks I have talked to about it have made their own screwdrivers that will fit inside the receiver to remove them. I like the allen wrench scenario, will have to do some shortening and grinding to make the bit, I may try that myself.
1892takedown @sbcglobal.net ......NRA Endowment Life Member.....WACA Member
"God is great.....beer is good.....and people are crazy"... Billy Currington
Thanks 1892takedown and Wincacher. No way to get a Chapman wrench in there, even tried a more narrow Cobalt Tools set from Lowe’s with a bit that I ground down. There’s just not enough room in there to use a rachet. I have two screwdrivers (bent to face opposite directions) and a shortened Allen wrench ready to shape. Just waiting on new cartridge guide screws to arrive so that I can get the screwdriver heads to fit correctly. I’ll let you know how this turns out, especially the Allen wrench idea. You’d think someone would make these commercially and Brownell’s would carry them.

Well…I ordered the cartridge guide, the screws. And then played around with every idea of what to get down into a 3/8 ” space to turn a tiny ass screw!
Finally came up with using three metal paint can openers that I filed down, bent one lefthanded one right-handed on a 45* angle.and left the one straight.
20 minutes later my 30/30 was loading and ejecting like a new gun.!!!
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