I hope I’m not violating any rules by posting here, but I haven’t been able to get answers elsewhere.
I have a late-New Haven-produced, NIB Winchester Model 70 Featherweight rifle in 7MM WSM with a stock that was heavily damaged in shipment. The damaged stock is set up for 2-piece bottom metal, i.e., a separate trigger guard and floor plate. I found online a beautiful current-production replacement Featherweight stock off a rifle chambered in 308 Win. The potential replacement stock is set up for 1-piece bottom metal, i.e., trigger guard and floor plate all one assembly. Before I purchase the replacement stock, I have two questions.
1. Will a M70 Featherweight stock for a 308-length action accommodate a 7MM WSM action without any fitting or inletting?
2. I understand there are aftermarket adapters that will facilitate converting a 1-piece stock to accept 2-piece bottom metal. I believe I can also just buy new 1-piece bottom metal. Will both options work in this case?
I realize there’s a lot on the web about this subject, but there’s so much conflicting information that I’m confused. I’m hoping one of you Model 70 experts can help me out. Thanks in advance for your thoughts and recommendations.
Did you ever get an answer to this question? I have a similar problem. I want to replace my original stock with a Hogue stock. I cannot find 2 piece bottom metal to go with my stock. My gun is a Model 70A which takes three screws like the 2 piece design but has the floorplate molded into the stock itself.
Fairlane*66 said
I hope I’m not violating any rules by posting here, but I haven’t been able to get answers elsewhere.I have a late-New Haven-produced, NIB Winchester Model 70 Featherweight rifle in 7MM WSM with a stock that was heavily damaged in shipment. The damaged stock is set up for 2-piece bottom metal, i.e., a separate trigger guard and floor plate. I found online a beautiful current-production replacement Featherweight stock off a rifle chambered in 308 Win. The potential replacement stock is set up for 1-piece bottom metal, i.e., trigger guard and floor plate all one assembly. Before I purchase the replacement stock, I have two questions.
1. Will a M70 Featherweight stock for a 308-length action accommodate a 7MM WSM action without any fitting or inletting?
2. I understand there are aftermarket adapters that will facilitate converting a 1-piece stock to accept 2-piece bottom metal. I believe I can also just buy new 1-piece bottom metal. Will both options work in this case?
I realize there’s a lot on the web about this subject, but there’s so much conflicting information that I’m confused. I’m hoping one of you Model 70 experts can help me out. Thanks in advance for your thoughts and recommendations.
As far as Question 1 is concerned, whether the action will fit or not depends on the receiver screw spacing. I know that the long action stocks (30-06, 270, etc) are farther apart than the short actions (308, etc), but the WSM actions might be different than the other two. I your 7mm WSM is built on a standard short action and not one specially made for the WSM series, it should fit in the 308 take-off stock. Caveat – I bought a NOS 1977 Model 70 XTR in .308, and it was a long action with a long action stock. Measuring the action bolt holes c-c will tell the tale.
Found this online:
The Winchester Model 70 rifle has multiple action lengths, including short action, long action, and WSSM action:
While this is certainly a dead thread that has been needlessly resurrected, there is a simple solution to the OP’s question of five years ago. Assuming one has a rifle with the two piece bottom metal and a stock that is meant for a one piece bottom metal, an adapter is made that allows the original metalwork of the rifle to be used on a stock designed for the one piece bottom metal. They are available on eBay every day, and look like this;
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