Hello to all out there!
Just wondering the best course of action on a ’73 recently acquired. Specifically, stock maintenance/cleaning on checkered and smooth portions of some really nice wood. I havent touched it yet, and won’t until someone smarter than me can provide guidance. Factory lettered, good/vg condition.
thank you ….. and stay safe
John, Congratulations on your purchase. Smart move to ask advice before you do anything. Original wood on a 1873 is only original once. If it looks good don’t do anything beyond wax or maybe Scott’s Liquid Gold. Do not allow oil from the gun to wick into the wood, storing guns barrel down help. If you wax and buff wood do not buff the checkered area, a dry Micro fiber rag works good to remove wax. If you use Scott’s Liquid Gold use it very sparingly on a rag or sheep skin. I use old fashion Johnson’s paste wax, yellow and red can, a amber hard paste that dries clear without leaving a white residue, others use museum wax. Wipe it on and wait a couple hours before wiping it off. It’s a hard wax that allows you to handle the gun and when your done just wipe it with the micro fiber rag. It might last 6 months and really protects the gun at gun shows. Your gun stock is like a piece of fine old furniture, treat it like that.
If you have wood issues post pictures and get advice before doing anything! T/R
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