So the other day I went to the local Gunshop/pawn shop here in my little town. just cause I had some money in my pocket. The place was busy as always. The owner Aaron is a very nice person so his business is thriving.
Anyways I see a little shotgun on the rack. I ask to look at it. It turns out to be a 20ga Remington 870 Express Magnum COMPACT 21" remchoke barrel short LOP and of course built on the LT frame. My son and I check it out and we decide it was to good of deal to pass up at $129.00 (Aaron kicked in the BGC fee) So I go back to pick it up the next day (I try not to buy anything without checking it out on line and taking some time to think.
When I go back I once again ask to handle the Winchester Model 1897 he had there on the rack with a 30% off sticker on it. I do the math and realize hes only asking $346.00 bucks for what looks like a very decent 1897. Aaron says you know I do Layaway!!! I come home and look up the serial number. Its a 1905! and appears to be totally unmolested.
I go to work the next day and think about it all day And I can’t take it I swing by check it out like I’m buying it and come to the conclusion that if I pass up the deal I’ll never find as nice of gun as cheap.
I put $50.00 down on it Aaron and I shake hands. My son says he will put my Christmas gift towards it.
SO now a day later its DRIVING ME CRAZY. I think tomorrow I’ll find a pile of stuff to get onto eBay to come up with the balance ASAP.
Why do all the best deals show up after the moneys spent LOL.

Your not alone brother. It seems that we all have felt the sting of finding a great rifle and shotgun and not sealing the deal for what ever reasons. and stewing about it for the next day and night only to go back and find the piece gone and on the other side of the coin "when it rains it pours" I have a 1897 non takedown from 1901 with my name on it at a shop good clean gun for just under $350.00. Can’t get it yet because I just picked up a 1894 38-55, and 1905 32wsl in the last couple weeks. Both deals that couldn’t be passed up. So I say again your not alone, I bet there are a few other guys who might agree.
sgtsemo I feel for you. I was able to hustle and managed to pickup my 1897 in just 5 weeks after putting it on layaway. Its home and safe now gently rubbed with LSA gun oil inside and out. Taking its place in my rack with the other shotguns. Once I get a few things squared away I’ll have it out to the range to see how it does.
Now I’m trying to save up for the next toy…. and on it goes.
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