There are now two ways to upload your pictures to the Forum: By providing a link to an alternate web site as before, or by directly uploading a file right from your computer!
Since upgrading our web site and forum and migrating to a dedicated server, we have the ability to accept and store image uploads. Due to the large file size of modern digital images, and the storage space required to archive potentially thousands of images, we are offering this feature exclusively to all paid WACA members in good standing.
Non WACA members may still use the old method of posting an image link from another web site such as Photobucket, Facebook or other image location but we’ve also made the process much easier than before. WACA members may use either method by preference.
The Direct Upload Method. (Available to WACA members only)
At the bottom of the post editing window is an Upload Attachments button. Select it and an area to drag images appears. You can directly drag an image or multiple images from your computer to this window. Select the Start Upload button and the image will appear in your post.
Considerations: Images are currently limited to 3 megabytes in size. They will only display in the original full size, so sizing may be necessary before you upload them. Images will appear in the post at the location of the cursor, so if you are posting information about individual images, it might be easier to type your information, then post that picture, then move to the next, or type in all of your descriptions, place the cursor at the desired location for the first image then upload it, and repeat fro subsequent images. You’ll get the hang of it pretty fast.
The Link to Image Method (Available to all members)
Non WACA members may still post photos the old way, by linking to a photo on another site, but the process has been greatly simplified and includes the added bonus that you can size the image during the upload process.
Select the Insert/Edit Image button on the menu bar:
Fill in the image location in the Source field: (You can get this by right clicking on the image in your browser, select “View Image” then copy the link in the browser address bar and paste it into the Source field.)
Give it an Image Description if desired, then her is a bonus with the new forum. You can resize a large image to fit the forum window. Make sure Constrain Proportions is checked so it doesn’t distort the image.
Click OK and your image will be displayed in the size desired at the cursor location:
Have a go at it and enjoy the Forum!
Michael Hager
Forum Administrator
What about some of us that don’t have the “Add file” button. When will we be able to upload photos.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
Please be patient. We’re working hard to get these little bugs worked out. Shifting from one forum software to a completely different (better) package has caused obvious issues. As with all new software, we tested it extensively, then you guys got on and started finding stuff we never thought of!
Stick with us, and please let us know when you stumble upon any other problems. We want to make this a good solution for everyone!
Thank for our help!
Michael Hager
Forum Administrator
1873man said
What about some of us that don’t have the “Add file” button. When will we be able to upload photos.
Bob, do you have the Upload Attachments button but no Add Files button? Or is the Upload Attachments button also missing?
Michael Hager
Forum Administrator
Mike Hager said
Bob, do you have the Upload Attachments button but no Add Files button? Or is the Upload Attachments button also missing?
I don’t have the “Add Files” button or a “Upload Attachments” button. If I try to insert a link to a photo like we did in the old system I get a warning that I’m not allowed to insert links. I also can’t upload a picture in my signature.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
Don’t use the html links like the old system. Use the insert/edit image button at the top of the post editing area. (See the red box in the image below).
Add your URL to the Source field and let the program insert the proper link info.
I also sent you a personal e-mail with some additional issues that might help clear this up.
The signature image issue may be related to the e-mail I sent.
Michael Hager
Forum Administrator
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
What does your iPad do when you try to upload a photo?
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
It sounds like a problem several of use went through when we changed over to the new forum. You probable have a duplicate membership in the database with a different email address and the earlier one has priority. We couldn’t upload photos since the buttons were not there and we couldn’t upload a signature photo either. You need to post in the bugs forum or PM Mike Hager with your full name and any email addresses you have used.
WACA Life Member--- NRA Life Member---- Cody Firearms member since 1991 Researching the Winchester 1873's
Email: [email protected]
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