Hello Forum,
My first post, I have acquired a Winchester 94 NRA commemorative rifle. The front sight is damaged, and I am interested in replacing it. Can any member point me in the right direction, and show me where I can get a replacement front sight?
Thanks in advance for your time,
Yes, photos can help. In particular, can you photograph the bottom side of the front sight base? It may have useful identifying information or, at least, its height in decimal fractions, stamped there.
I don’t mean to talk down to you but I don’t know the extent of your experience and the subject is critical: So please forgive me if you already know what I’m about to say.
To remove the sight from its dovetail mortise in the barrel (or ramp, if there is one), please understand the dovetail is tapered. Looking at the front sight from the butt end of the rifle, the dovetail imortise is wider on its right side and narrower on its left side. To remove the sight, tap it out with a brass or plastic tipped drift punch from left to right.To install the sight, tap it in from right to left. Doing otherwise will distort the mortise.
If you have a dial indicator or micrometer, it would be useful to measure and record the overall height of the sight, and then the thickness of the base to compute the height of the sight above the barrel (or ramp.) In case you are not able to obtain an exact replacement of the factory sight, this information will allow you to contact Brownell’s and buy a suitable replacement.
If you already shoot or intend to shoot the rifle, you might want to buy or make one of those sectional test sights that allow you to clip off pieces to reduce the height of the sight at the range, until the height of the sight gives you a suitable range of elevation adjustment with the ladder of the rear sight. Then measure it and buy the equivalent height “real” sight. I’ve done this and it works well.
My own experience with Winchester reproductions, which might apply to commemoratives, has been not a lot of thought goes into the front sight if some factory bright light thinks the gun isn’t going to be shot.
I hope this helps a bit. I well remember (what I think were) the first Winchester commemorative Model 94 rifles and carbines issued, the 1966 Centennials. Gold or brass plated, the 24″ rifle was the first Model 94 of that length to be manufactured since the demise of the pre-64 Model 64. They sold out quickly at a good profit to WRA and encouraged the company to follow the money down that trail. I think the NRA Commemorative is particularly handsome.
- Bill
WACA # 65205; life member, NRA; member, TGCA; member, TSRA; amateur preservationist
"I have seen wicked men and fools, a great many of both, and I believe they both get paid in the end, but the fools first." -- David Balfour, narrator and protagonist of the novel, Kidnapped, by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Hello Zebulon,
I have tried to respond to your post on my thread, but my computer skills are not up to the task. I have taken some pictures, but I cannot get them to post. Is there any chance you could provide your e-mail address, I would be happy to send you an e-mail and share my pictures.
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