RCBS and CH4D make dies.Have purchased CH4D reloading equipment direct from them.Nice people to deal with,shipping reasonable, even when shipped to Canada.Sometimes CH4D might not have an item in stock,but the wait time to get the item has never been long.At least in my experience .
28 gauge said
RCBS and CH4D make dies.Have purchased CH4D reloading equipment direct from them.Nice people to deal with,shipping reasonable, even when shipped to Canada.Sometimes CH4D might not have an item in stock,but the wait time to get the item has never been long.At least in my experience .
I don’t think RCBS makes these anymore. The custom die shop was shut down a couple years ago. Now they only sell the “popular dies”. The last set of CH4D dies I bought took 18 months to get. You may want to take Bill up on his offer?
Is yours a rifle/carbine? Octagon, Crescent butt? Tell us more. Do you ever go to Cody gun show? I have over 100 rounds loaded with lead. If you go to Cody in July I can bring ammo and the reloading tool–[email protected] or 575 779 2188..Thanks Bill
Chuck said
I don’t think RCBS makes these anymore. The custom die shop was shut down a couple years ago. Now they only sell the “popular dies”. The last set of CH4D dies I bought took 18 months to get. You may want to take Bill up on his offer?
Have heard that RCBS is not what it once was.Too bad.Eighteen months to wait for die,that does seem to be a bit much.Never had that problem myself with CH4D,but these are strange times.
The original 1894 loading tool and mold work well if you just want to shoot a box every now and then.
I just bought a well used 38-56 at a local show out of boredom, honest gun and had to shoot it. It took me 30 minutes to load a box with the old tools. The bullets I had already cast in a Winchester mold. The 38-56 and the 38-70 bullet are the same so finding a mold would be easy. The 38-70 1894 tool Bill has, you might enjoy going old school. I shoot cast, not sized and hand lubed smokeless. My old gun with a typical black powder bore and my old eyes over iron sights shot a very nice group. I have shot several 38-70’s so if you would like my load info, I can provide. It’s a lot of fun. T/R
rogers5667 said
I did check with CH4D. They said about two years at the latest, RCBS did stop making them. I have never used that kind of die type before, Bill. The gun is a Rifle with an Octagon. I will not be going to Cody; sorry, thanks for all the info.
Redding might make a custom die but if they do it will cost a lot. As TR said, going old school may be your best bet. Dies could show up on Ebay someday.
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