Hi folks ! A new member Larry here and I just recently aquired a nice 1892 rifle chambered .44-40 with a 1894-95 build date according to one source.
Looks to be in good shape and everything functions okay with a range trip tomorrow to see how it shoots. The barrel measures 21.5 inches and is that a correct length for a factory Winchester? Barrel has correct looking markings that are as worn looking as rest of rifle. Serial number is 467xx.
Will be looking forward to learn more about the old 1892 Winchesters!
As mentioned, the barrel should be 24-inches long. The partial serial number you mention indicates that it was manufactured in July 1895. If you want to know the exact date, and what the as built configuration was, the Cody Firearms Museum (CFM) records office can provide a factory letter (for a modest fee) with that information.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
Good morning,
That rifle was sold at Poulin Auction in May of 2016 for $950 and then offered by Merz later that same month for $1575. As mentioned, both the barrel and magazine have been cut down approximately 3 inches from the original length. The correct configuration for the end of the barrel is show in the attached images.
Model 1892 / Model 61 Collector, Research, Valuation
twobit said
Good morning,That rifle was sold at Poulin Auction in May of 2016 for $950 and then offered by Merz later that same month for $1575. As mentioned, both the barrel and magazine have been cut down approximately 3 inches from the original length. The correct configuration for the end of the barrel is show in the attached images.
Thanks for the info twobit!
Here is my target with my first several shoots from 20 yds. I see what could be either a pair of key hole hits or a lucky pair of two shots in one hole.
Slugged the barrel this morning and it checks out at .430 all the way and the HSM ammo I was shooting the bullet was .428. Thinking a .430 would shoot much better! Another thing I shot 35 rounds yesterday and took me a good while to get a clean barrel. Bore didn’t look leaded up but when you cleaned it with brush and patch it look like black oil running out the barrel. Finally got a patch to come out clean and think the bore roughness due to pitting was wearing off some lead from the bullet. I do have some 200 gr. plated bullets that measure .430 that might work much better for my occasional shooting. That bullet with 9 gr. of Unique is a very accurate round out of my Uberti 1873 .44 Mag rifle.
Some pictures from my range.
fortyshooter said
Well this is what I have. Barrel looks to be as old as the rest of rifle. Think it was just cut down and if so why to 21 inch?Thanks for your help.
Yes I plan on getting the factory letter for it.
The barrel was probably shortened a good while back. Sometimes barrels are shortened due to damage. In that case, the cut is usually located just far enough back from the damaged area. Sometimes barrels were shortened just because the owner wants a shorter barrel. Oftentimes a measuring tape wasn’t even used – the owner just picked a location that looked about right. Even if a gunsmith was used, the owner might have simply requested three inches be taken off.
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