I bought a very nice, (95-98% aprox) original Winchester 62A awhile back and was wondering if it might be one of the very early ones made. The serial # is 33682. The serial #’s match on the receiver and lower tang except that the receiver has an "A" after the serial #. The polishing room records show that the receiver was stamped December 2,1937. That was obviously during the time when Winchester was still building the 62’s and the 62A’s did not come out until late 1939 or early 1940 I am thinking. The gun is a 62A for sure as the lower tang only has one hole in it indicating that the rifle is equipted with an undated 62A coil spring verses the leaf spring in the 62’s. The barrel is also marked correctly with the 62A markings. I am assuming that the receiver sat in the bin for awhile, which we all know happens, and then was brought out and used when they were building the 62A’s. My question…does anyone have one, or know of one older than this one I have? Thanks, Peter
To start this off, Model 62 (62A) serial number 33682 was not stamped on December 2, 1937. Instead, it was serialized in early May of 1936 (1.5-years earlier than you think). Serial number 72135 was the last one made on November 30th, 1937.
While your theory about it being a "parts bin" rifle is remotely possible, I have my doubts that is actually the case. That stated, and without the benefit of being able to examine your rifle in hand, there is no way to say with any assurity what may have transpired with it. Why not post several clear detailed pictures of it so that we can all see what it looks like?
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L

Bert, I have no way at present to post pictures…maybe I could send them to someone I know that would post them for me. Let me clarify something if you don’t mind…does Cody have the PR records for the 62/62A and can they write letters for this rifle? Also, please tell me what part of the gun in particular you would like to see photos of. Thanks, Peter
The CFM does not have the PR records for the early Model 62/62A rifles, and they can not provide a letter for your rifle. They do have the PR records for the WW II era Model 62A rifles. Ned Schwing had access to the PR records, and he published that information in his book. I suspect that Pauline has the PR records for your rifle.
In regards to the pictures, the top, bottom, and both sides of the receiver frame, with the butt stock removed. Also the factory markings on the barrel.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L

Bert, That would be correct on the PR records…she does have them and a bunch of others also. I have a letter from her on the rifle and that is where the DOM of December 2,1937 came from. I will try and get pictures soon. About 6 of the forum members have volunteered to post them for me, so that’s not a problem. Thanks, Peter
I will suggest you ask her to confirm that date, as it does not even come close to Ned Schwing’s serrial number tables. Ned’s serial number/DOM information is dead accurate for all four of the .22 caliber slide-action models.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
pday said
Well, Pauline has the original PR record book that covers that serial # and she gave me a letter on the gun stating the December 2, 1937 DOM, so I will assume it is totally correct. Pauline reads these posts and I’m sure she will chime in if incorrect. Peter
OK, just stick your head in the sand if you like… The information (letter) you received from Pauline is highly unlikely to be accurate (in my learned opinion). Do you have a copy of, or have you read Schwing’s book covering the Models 61 and 62? If not, you really should do so. Schwing spent a lot of time digging through the original Winchester records documenting the Model 62/62A. Personally, I would really like to see a copy of the PR record book page that lists your rifle’s serial number.
Bert H.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L

I am not sticking my head in the sand Bert. I started this post to get information, not get in a fight with you. You doubt the gun is a 62A even though some experts have looked at it and we all know it is. Then you doubt the DOM even though you tell me that Pauline probably has the PR records and that’s where I got the DOM information from. I’m not going to drag Pauline into this so you can fight with her too Bert. Not sure why your battling with me here, but obviously, you hold all the cards. I choose not to continue this thread and fight with you Bert. Peter
JWH said
Since this is about the model 62-A, maybe someone could answer a question about another one. I was told that this rifle was from 1949 or 1950 so is this about right? The serial number is 273132.
Thanks for any help.
Yes, that is correct. Per Ned Schwing’s research (and in his books), serial number 273132 would have been made in late September of 1949. He has serial number 273280 listed as the last one serialized on September 29th, 1949.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L

Thank you for the reply. This rifle is a closet queen and even being not that old, I think it will be a nice rifle to have before it gets any more use. I hope to get it this week. After that, maybe I can find one each of it’s predecessors.
edit on 6-27-13—serial number 273132
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[email protected] said
I have a Model 62 with the serial # 89431. The barrel is marked 89431 A would this be considered a 62 ? or 62A Thanks i am a guest, found this site by a goggle searchThanks any help would be appreciated
You have a Model 62 (as it is marked on the barrel). The later Model 62A rifles were marked “MODEL 62A”.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
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