I have a Winchester “Model 90” in WRF caliber. The serial# is 752094 on both the lower tang and the receiver. I have looked through a half dozen Winchester related serial number databases on the Internet and can’t find agreement on the year of manufacture. A couple sites say it was made in 1927. Several say it was made after 1940. I don’t know how to get a definitive answer that I can rely on. If someone here can help me to figure out when it was made I will appreciate the help . I can’t remember when exactly but I think I bought this rifle from a Gunbroker.com seller about 5-10 years ago when I had a C&R FFL. It appears to be brand new, including the barrel’s bore, so I am pretty sure it was totally refurbished from stem to stern. I bought 3000 rds. of WRF back then too. I also wonder if WRF ammo is still available. I have fired approximately 100 rds. through this rifle.
I am also curious about the current market value of this rifle. As best I can recall I paid approximately $500.00 for it. I think it was relatively inexpensive because it was refurbished. I guess I lean more into nice looking guns and less into collectible value, although I have lots of guns that show their true age.
Anyway, many thanks in advance for any info you may have about the date of manufacture of this Model 90.
Your Model 90 was manufactured in June, 1927. The Cody Firearms Museum (CFM) records office can provide you with the exact date if contact them and pay the $40 fee for the document.
22 WRF ammo is still being manufactured by CCI, but as with all types of ammo these days, it is somewhat expensive to acquire. The 2,900 rounds you still have left is very likely worth more than the rifle itself. As for the rifle, clear (detailed) pictures of it are needed to assess its value.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
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