Aside from adjustment, a trigger shoe seems to give the trigger a better feel also. I use a Flaig Ace #2 shoe on mine.
They can be found on eBay.
Best Regards,
WACA Life Member #6284 - Specializing in Pre-64 Winchester .22 Rimfire
On EBAY……same seller had 3, a black, silver, and gold. I bought the black for the 69A and liked it so much I ordered the Silver one for my 72A as it has a Silver trigger. I could care less about the color and it feels good to my finger. He had the gold one left as of yesterday. Still there as of 04:50 am 7/18/23
Kevin Kelley said
JWA said
Aside from adjustment, a trigger shoe seems to give the trigger a better feel also. I use a Flaig Ace #2 shoe on mine.
They can be found on eBay.
Best Regards,
I just ordered one…..Thanks I will try it on my 69 and 72. Looks nice and wide for my fat finger!
Thanks for the tip…….I ordered a second one as I liked it so much!
You are welcome, sometimes the simplest things are best. 😉
WACA Life Member #6284 - Specializing in Pre-64 Winchester .22 Rimfire
clarence said
Kevin Kelley said
I just ordered one…..Thanks I will try it on my 69 and 72. Looks nice and wide for my fat finger!
Where did you buy it? Had hard time finding one to fit Model 52.
gr8shopper2 (Texas gun parts) has two of the Flaig Trigger shoes #21 for the Winchester 52 as of last night.
Kevin Kelley said
I ordered one too…..and yesterday I adjusted the trigger pull from 4 lbs 10 oz to 2lb 10oz and with the trigger shoe this baby is pretty crisp!
Awesome, don’t forget to do the “bump test” after adjustment to make sure the rifle won’t inadvertently discharge.
Best Regards,
WACA Life Member #6284 - Specializing in Pre-64 Winchester .22 Rimfire
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