Not one that is well versed in the Model 1895’s, however I love the styling and of course it being a lever action, as well as the caliber selection to boot!
Beautiful collection you have Sir to say the least! I admire you for your dedication in obtaining a fine 1895 in all those caliber’s as well. We all have our own niche in collecting, as well as caliber’s and such.
I am not to far from what you described about yourself in beginning collecting I want something of everything it seems. I do have myself a Model I am leaning towards as well, but even that may change as time goes bye.
You certainly are an inspiration to us all, thanks for sharing!
WACA #10119
NRA Member
David, Thanks for the kind words.
A word of caution though – when you find your collecting niche, it can become a passion (or compulsion) and pretty soon, any disposable income you may have had is tied up in guns.
Alas, there are a whole lot worse investments. Although, my wife reminds me from time to time that they are only an investment if you are going to sell them someday. That logic is somehow lost on me.
lund2075 said
Mark Douglas said
Been trying to learn to take decent pictures with my new camera and thought I’d share this one. It’s a full set of 1895’s – one in each caliber:
Top To Bottom:
40-72, half octagon
30-06, NRA Musket
7.62x54r, Russian Musket
35WCF, Deluxe Checkered
30 Army, SRC Unfired
38-72, Flatside
303 British, Flatside Pistol Grip
405WCF, Deluxe Checkered
30-03, Deluxe Checkered
looks like the camera works just fine. very nice/impressive set of rifles!!
I have a Winchester 1895 like the one in your picture left side 2nd from the bottom. it was made in 1896 SN 4345. I am trying to figure out the caliber of it. the diameter of the barrel is 8mm but I see that many of the calibers are close to that. could you maybe help me?
Link Mock said
lund2075 said
Mark Douglas said
Been trying to learn to take decent pictures with my new camera and thought I’d share this one. It’s a full set of 1895’s – one in each caliber:
Top To Bottom:
40-72, half octagon
30-06, NRA Musket
7.62x54r, Russian Musket
35WCF, Deluxe Checkered
30 Army, SRC Unfired
38-72, Flatside
303 British, Flatside Pistol Grip
405WCF, Deluxe Checkered
30-03, Deluxe Checkered
looks like the camera works just fine. very nice/impressive set of rifles!!
I have a Winchester 1895 like the one in your picture left side 2nd from the bottom. it was made in 1896 SN 4345. I am trying to figure out the caliber of it. the diameter of the barrel is 8mm but I see that many of the calibers are close to that. could you maybe help me?
The octagon barreled Model 1895 rifles were made in 38-72 WCF and 40-72 WCF. The 38-72 would be the closest to 8mm.
WACA Historian & Board of Director Member #6571L
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